Monday 2 September 2013

Bianca Is A Known Harlot" - Ojukwu's Reveals

bianca ojukwu sex scandal

Mr Debe Ojukwu (as pictured below) is the son of late Biafran warlord, Odumegwu Ojukwu. In a signed letter to the press, he claimed that his father's wife, Bianca is an harlot and that Fani Kayode "Is One Of Very Very Many!" Mr Femi had in a write-up mentioned Mrs Bianca ojukwu as one of the Igbo ladies he had intimate affair with

The following are the exact words of Mr Debe Ojukwu:
I do not understand all the hoopla over Bianca sleeping with Fani Kayode. Every one from University of Nigeria Law School can confirm that Bianca only graduated by sleepng with all the lecturers in our department. Do you think she dumped her boyfriend and married my father because she loved his bald head, pot belly and grey hairs? Her forgery of the old man’s will tells anyone with a brain why she married a man old enough to be her grandfather! The old man described Nnewi Building as Nnewi House in the forged “will”. That is just like a Nigerian calling Aso Rock, Aso Stone! How can Emeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, an Oxford University graduate, fluent in Igbo, English, Yoruba, French, Hausa and Latin describe Nnewi Building as Nnewi House in a legal document! If I was her I would ask the idiotic and incompetent “lawyer” Onyemelukwe to refund every penny he received for helpng forge the “will”. The fact that she and the legal Judas Onyemelukwe are not in prison for felony fraud is only due to the fact that Nigeria is a lawless nation of criminals! The woman, na Ashawo!
Signed, Debe Ojukwu,
Akpunwa Nnewi.

debe ojkukwu label bianca harlot



  2. The truth is that Bianca broke the heart of her young handsome but not very wealthy boyfriend to marry a rich man who was old enough to be her grandfather. She droped out of Buckingham university for poor academic performance and was only able to graduate from University of Nigeria by sleeping with all the lecturers. She then poisoned the old man and forged his will. If Nigeria was a civilized country, she would be in prison. A DNA test on her children will help determine who their real biological father is. Is it Robert Okonkwo? Fani Kayode or one of the many men she was sleeping with when she was "married" to Ojukwu? First Lady Patience Jonathan is also said to have a copy of a sexy love letter she wrote to Goodluck Jonathan. Debe Ojukwu is right, she is a harlot!

  3. This JOHN UDE, you would appear to be the same person posing as DEBE OJUKWU because you have uploaded this post on so many other sites using the same alias and sometimes interchanging with other names. All these tales and cock and bull that you keep rehashing about this Bianca is so childish. If you have a problem with her, this your spreading of vicious lies against her will not raise you from the gutter where you are at this moment. All what you have said here is laughable! TRY HARDER!

  4. Did John Ude make up this story that was published in the Vanguard Newspaper disparaging Bianca Ojukwu and Mimi Ojukwu?

    Debe is a coward, congenital liar, a thief and a bastard which why Ikemba knows he is not his son.

    In an interview with the Vanguard Newspaper (December 20 2012)
    The 57 year old shameless self acclaimed bastard "son" of Biafran General Emeka Ojukwu was describing to the press how his so called step mother and so called step sister were exchanging blows and fighting like cat's and dogs in the kitchen!

    Is this 419 criminal congenital liar really Emeka Ojukwu's son? Or is he Ojukwu's distant cousins bastard son with a wawa prostitute as sworn to by hundreds of Nnewi people and close family friends of The General?

    This so called lawyer shamelessly lied and perjured himself in court that General Ojukwu was married to his mother(who was also married to Mr. Ude at the same time).
    Would a son of General Ojukwu bring dishonour into the court by lying in court.
    The truth about this dispicable thug and criminal is slowly coming out!

    Here is the shameful Vanguard interview:

    Debe:There could always be friction under such circumstance. But "my father" has always been overtly protective of his children. So, I can figure that when Bianca came in, I was too old to start expecting maternal care, because I was like a big brother to her. When she came in there was this war of attrition.

    V:Please give an instance of this?
    Debe:The first one happened with EmekaĆ¢€™s younger sister.
    I understood there was a day she and Bianca fought in the kitchen.

    V:Fight! How?
    Debe:Yes they fought in the kitchen, so I was made to understand.

    V:Was your father not in? How could that have happened?
    Debe:He was in.
    He came into the kitchen and took sides with Bianca and that was what made that girl to leave the house till date.
    She was expecting her father to protect her, but the father turned and protected his wife. She could not understand that till date. That is the kind of attrition then, because all of them were age mates. Chukwuemeka was born in 1965, "the" sister Mimi (Why not our sister?), was born 1966 and Bianca was born in 1967, so it was easier for me to put in authority because I was much older than them.

  5. Open letter from Odumegwu Ojukwu Family to Sylvester Ude a.k.a. Debe Ojukwu.
    Signatories to this letter:

    1. Chief Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu Jnr. (Ikemba II), Director - Ojukwu Transport Limited

    2. Ambassador Bianca Odumegwu Ojukwu

    3. Mr. Okigbo Odumegwu Ojukwu, Director - Ojukwu Transport Limited

    4. Ms. Mimi Odumegwu Ojukwu. (Ada Ikemba)

    5. Ms. Ebele Odumegwu Ojukwu.

    6. Ms. Tenny Haman Odumegwu Ojukwu

    Dear Sylvester Ude a.k.a. Debe "Ojukwu",

    your contract to manage some Ojukwu Transport Limited properties ended years ago and you must now account to and return to The Company (Ojukwu Transport Limited) and The Ojukwu Family all monies that you have stolen from The Company and The Family.

    You must also stop falsely parading yourself as General Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu's son and a member of The Ojukwu Family because our father, The Late General Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu ordered a DNA test on you and ascertained with 99.99% accuracy that you are niether General Ojukwu's son nor a member of The Ojukwu Family.

    You must cease and desist from fraudulently extorting rents from Ojukwu Transport Limited's tenants.
    You are also hereby banned from stepping foot on any Ojukwu Transport Limited or Ojukwu Family properties, particularly those in Nnewi, Lagos, Port Harcourt, Onitsha, Enugu, Kaduna, Zaria and Abuja.

    You are hereby warned that we are currently enlisting the assistance of The Federal Government of Nigeria, The Ministry of Defense, Millitary intelligence Services, State Security Services, The Lagos State Government, The Anambra State government amongst others to protect the legitimate rights of Ojukwu Tansport Limited, a corporaton duly incorporated and registered with The Corporate Affairs Commission of The Federal Republic of Nigeria.

  6. Federal High Court Judge to Debe Ojukwu: GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!

    A Lagos High Court has thrown out the case filed by self acclaimed bastard son of Biafran General Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, Debe Ojukwu who is challenging alleged breach of his human rights by his relations.
    In the case filed since October 2012, he had demanded for N100million damage.
    But in his judgement Friday, Justice Okon Abang, threw out the case on the grounds that the court had no jurisdiction to entertain it.
    Debe had joined Prof. Joseph Ojukwu, Engr. Emmanuel Ojukwu, Mr. Lotanna Ojukwu, Dr. Patrick Ojukwu, Barrister Margaret Ojukwu Nwogbo and Mrs. Bianca Ojukwu, wife of the late GeneralOjuwku, among others.

    Chief Counsel to Ojukwu family and Ojukwu Transport Limited, Chief Barrister George Uwechue (SAN) in his counter-affidavit, argued successfully that this suit was an abuse of the legal process and without merit. This makes sense because the said Debe Ojukwu is not even mentioned in General Ojukwu's will and last testament where he listed all his biological children.

    The judge said, “This court cannot conveniently determine how the applicant was humiliated or discriminated against at the burial obsequies of the deceased without determining the paternity issue, whether the applicant is a child or the eldest son of the deceased.”

    General Ojukwu is known to have ordered two DNA tests on Debe and they proved with 100% accuracy that Debe is NOT General Ojukwu's child. It is well known within the family that Debe is the bastard son of Ojukwu's very distant cousin and a prostitute named Margrette Ude.

    Legal and political experts who have been following the case say that a
    lack of jurisdiction is legalese for throwing the case out for lack of
    merit. Justice Okon Abang is also said to be very upset that Debe and
    his wife Victoria Ndidi "thief thief" Ogbonna Ude "Ojukwu" tried to
    bribe him with 4 million Naira which he angrily turned down. SSS has
    tapes of phone conversations incriminating Debe and his wife Victoria
    and is currently investigating the attempt to bribe a Federal Judge
    which is a serious offense punishable by very very long prison

    The Judge looked at all the evidence and realized that
    the root cause of the problem in Ojukwu Family is that Debe and his
    wife Victoria STOLE hundreds of millions of Naira that belongs to Ojukwu
    Transport Limited and the entire Ojukwu family. He must return the
    money, go to prison or be killed in accordance to Igbo Traditional Law
    and the Laws of Moses.

    Debe and his wife Victoria by their
    thievery, have not only dishonored themselves and their children but
    have also dishonored Biafran General, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu whom
    he alleges to be his "father" and by extension, dishonored the Biafran
    cause and all Igbo people worldwide. This has actually gone beyond him
    returning the stolen money. At this stage the only way to restore
    General Ojukwu's honor and good name is to enforce Igbo Traditional Law
    and the Law of Moses! "Thou shall not STEAL" Says The Lord of Hosts, and
    "The Wages of sin is Death!"

    Secondly, which case is more important to Debe "Ojukwu"? The Biafra VS Nigeria court ruling in Owerri or his baseless family squabble case which helps him continue his rent money extortion scam?

    Just like Emmanuel Ifeajuna, when the chips were down, he chose money. Would a true son of Ikemba chose rent money scam deals case over The Biafran Cause?

    It is very illuminating that Debe Ojukwu was absent at The Biafra vs Nigeria court ruling in Owerri Federal High Court due to the ruling same day in Lagos, on his suit against Ojukwu transport Ltd at the Lagos high court.
    Forging signatures and fraudulently extorting rents from innocent hard working people is his number one priority. He only pretends to be Ikemba's son and pretends to support the Biafran cause because it helps justify his illegal rent extortion scam! Action speaks louder than words. The boy and im wife Victoria na thief kill them!
